IX Embedded

Embed virtual idea generation into your organization (in beta)

Here’s an executive summary of what IX Embedded will do to transform how agencies, in-house agencies, and marketers create:

Rebecca Armstrong, CEO of North
  • Virtual idea generation: IX Embedded will do everything IX Original is known for, but more.

  • Brand the experience: Customize your IX Embedded platform with your agency’s own branding (logo, colors, fonts), and make it your own.

  • Create super teams: Upload your entire employee roster and favorite go-to freelancers into your custom platform for easy, fast recruiting for future idea projects. Even recruit in combination with our Ideasicle for the perfect team every time.

  • New revenue streams: Monetize your agency’s talent in new ways by offering idea projects to external prospects and clients through your branded platform. Even invite them to watch.

  • Get more out of your people: Have employees thinking about and posting to virtual projects while working on other stuff. It’s like a parallel universe.

Below is a more detailed overview.

Scroll to the bottom if you would like your agency to be considered for the beta.


IX Embedded

Starts with the full functionality of IX Original

iX Original was already powerful:

  • A Command Center (dashboard) from which all idea jobs are organized, archived, and budgets tracked

  • Open unlimited idea jobs

  • Recruit teams (more on that in a minute)

  • Brief teams with a video and PDF upload

  • Monitor ideas as they’re posted

  • Pay freelance teams, if necessary

  • Track freelance spending over time

But now let’s look at the added features of IX Embedded.


IX Embedded

A branded experience:

Agencies will be able to customize the platform with their own branding (logo, colors, fonts), and make it their own. The only evidence of Ideasicle X will be as an ingredient with a little “powered by Ideasicle X” at the bottom. Anyone who comes into contact with the agency’s platform—users, employees, freelancers, clients—will be immersed in the agency’s branding.

Upload your employees into your idea machine:

Unlike IX Original, agencies will be able to easily upload their entire roster of agency talent into their IX platform, visible only to their own internally-assigned agency users. This means any account team in the agency who needs ideas can tap into this pool of virtual resources across the agency and recruit teams of four for their projects. Employees who are invited to jobs are free to accept or reject any job, which means those with capacity at any given moment can be fully utilized, maximizing productivity and output without the need for additional hiring/freelance. That said, agencies can also upload their go-to freelancers into their platform for easy recruiting and access our Ideasicle Experts, if needed.

New revenue streams:

Perhaps most importantly, agencies can monetize their talent in new ways by offering idea projects to external prospects and clients through their branded platform. No longer does a prospect have to hire the entire agency, they can simply hire a team of four of the agency’s employees for an idea project. The agency will still run the idea projects, but they can invite clients to observe the jobs in action (if they want). By "selling" these virtual teams for pure idea projects, agencies can make more money while giving prospects a “taste” of their creativity and expertise. What the agency charges for that access and ideas is entirely up to them.

With powerful security:

We take a strict policy on security. Your data will be hosted by Heroku, a subsidiary of Salesforce, secured at rest and in transit using modern, military-grade encryption technology (AES-256). Customer data is not even accessible to the Ideasicle X team unless you explicitly allow us to see it by inviting us, in writing. The only people who can access the data are the developers, who are independent from Ideasicle X, and who are kept under tight confidentiality terms. The developers are only motivated to, and are only allowed to, access any data when debugging an issue with the platform.


IX Embedded

The virtues of virtual idea generation


We’ve learned there are several surprising improvements to the creative process when the team is working remotely. Here are a few:

Always have the right people.

The organizer of a job has access to anyone in the world, be they your own employees uploaded into the system, our Ideasicle Experts, or even your own freelancers, to be on the team of four. Always have the right people.

Eliminate unconscious bias.

When creativity happens virtually, there are no human, unconscious biases that get in the way—everyone is reduced to a typeface, on equal footing, so it’s all about the ideas and nothing more.

It’s like a parallel universe.

After the team is briefed, ideas are posted in the in-between times of the day, and wherever the team may be at the time. They just pull out their phone, post the idea, and the rest of the team is pinged and invited to improve.

Online disinhibition eliminates fear.

There’s a thing called the “online disinhibition effect,” or the lack of restraint one feels when communicating online. Horrible for the vitriol of social media, but amazing for creativity because the teams are fearless to take chances with their posts.

4 is the magic number.

Through much trial and error we found that four is the ideal number of creative people on a virtual team. Any more than that and they tend to clam up and feel like they’re on stage (fear). Any fewer and we don’t get the exponential numbers of ideas.

Yes, in many ways virtual idea generation is better than in-person brainstorms.


 IX Embedded

Become a beta tester

current Status:

We are currently in development of these new features and have one agency lined up—who shall remain nameless for now—to beta test this new platform to generate ideas within their agency. But we’re looking for a few more.

Rough time-table:

  • Development: July/August 2024

  • Beta Test: September 2024

  • Refinement: October 2024

  • National Roll Out: November 2024

Do you want your agency to be considered for the beta?

You will get one free year of IX Embedded service if you do. A $5,000 value (we think, that may change).

Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you promptly. The ideal agency (or in-house agency) would have at least ten people (employees and/or freelancers) they’d want to invite into the platform to work on idea projects.