The “Idea Stream” within an active idea job.

IX Original

Subscribe for virtual idea generation at your fingertips

Modernize how your agency, consultancy or organization engages with A-list freelance creative talent to generate creative ideas. With IX Original you will have a Command Center from which you can run your own idea-generating projects. And immediate virtual access to exactly the same 40+ Ideasicle Experts we use with our IX Concierge service. Here’s how to get started.

  1. Click the Subscribe button below.

  2. Fill out the form with your profile information and credit card.

  3. Choose a monthly plan ($500/mo) or an annual plan ($5,000/yr).

  4. Log into your account at http:\\

  5. Your account will have a Command Center to keep track of all open idea jobs, archived jobs, freelance spending, and to open new idea jobs. Unlimited jobs per month and multiple jobs can be happening at once.

  6. Review our detailed Customer Guide for tips and tricks to get the most out of the platform.

And don’t worry we will coach you on your first few projects so you can see how it works before you take the reins and do it yourself. It’s a fractional creative department without the overhead.


Ideasicle Experts

hand-picked creative talent with experience at the best agencies in the country.

And they’re pre-loaded into your Command Center and ready to work on your IX Original projects. The Ideasicle Experts were hand-chosen by our founder from his stints at Wieden & Kennedy, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Arnold, Mullen and a couple other hot shops. Imagine any four of these talents working your project.

Click image to see all of the Ideasicle Experts.


More, better, faster ideas at your fingertips.

one Command Center, unlimited ideas

Effortlessly organize your live jobs, archive finished projects, track budget expenditures, and enable unlimited idea projects from a single location.


Powerful security

We take a strict policy on security. Your data will be hosted by Heroku, a subsidiary of Salesforce, secured at rest and in transit using modern, military-grade encryption technology (AES-256). Customer data is not even accessible to the Ideasicle X team unless you explicitly allow us to see it by inviting us, in writing. The only people who can access the data are the developers, who are independent from Ideasicle X, and who are kept under tight confidentiality terms. The developers are only motivated to, and are only allowed to, access any data when debugging an issue with the platform.


 IX Original Subscription Pricing