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North Advertising ‘Exhilarated’ With Ideasicle X

Rebecca Armstrong (CEO) and Mark Ray (CCO) run North, a creative advertising agency located in Portland, Oregon. They recently conducted a trial of Ideasicle X and I asked them about their experience via an email interview. And I’m glad I did.

Here’s what they said.

Q1: What were your expectations going into this Trial project with Ideasicle X?

I expected strong talent, as the Ideasicle Expert roster is very impressive. But I didn't expect the process to be so well engineered to cut through time and space and deliver smart, on-brief, well-developed ideas that could slide right into execution.

Q2: Can you share the nature of the idea project itself?

Our client is well-known but very much a challenger brand in terms of media budget. They're up against some behemoths, so they ask us to punch above their weight both at the point of purchase decision and at the same time build up long term brand equity. One of the more fun but also most difficult challenges in our business, I've found.

Q3: Did you use employees, freelancers, or our Ideasicle Experts in your team of four?

We started the process with only the Ideasicle Experts. I then asked one of my creative directors to step in and help land the plane into the presentation, so to speak, with a bit of studio support.

Q4: How was your experience with the platform in general?

What I loved most is the sequencing from "general ideas/themes" into "builds and riffs." In many ways, we've all learned new ways of internalizing and processing ideas through the structures of social media. We scan for what lights us up, but often it's even more rewarding, fun, and even terrifying to follow the threads, watch as the conversation around an idea unfolds through Twitter feeds or TikTok comments. I don't think advertising creatives are immune from the way we've all learned to communicate this way.

So to have the traditional creative process of ideation and conceptualization turn into riffing and real-time conversations between the Ideasicle Experts was not only helpful but inspiring. A shorter way to express this: it felt like I was in the room with four highly talented people, just like it used to feel when it happened in agency cubicles or lunch rooms or bars or parks. I didn't expect that kind of exhilaration virtually.

Q5: Now that you’ve used the platform for this project, do you have any advice for any other agencies considering doing a trial?

I would 100% advocate agencies to try this. One important aspect of it is that I don't think bringing in Ideasicle X while agency employees are also ideating against a brief would be threatening. It feels collaborative in a way that is simple deepening the bench, so to speak, but with some real powerhouse, concentrated talent.

Q6: Do you plan to subscribe to Ideasicle X?

Yes we do. We're excited about it being part of our process going forward on a regular basis.

Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of Ideasicle X. Follow him on Twitter @WillOBurns.