CMO Stephanie Greene, AirSculpt, And The Benefit Of Cascading Idea Projects
Photo credit: Jan Kopriva
Stephanie Greene, or Steph as I now call her, is the Chief Marketing Officer of an innovative body sculpting company called AirSculpt. She’s an ideal client for Ideasicle X because she wanted big-time creative thinking, but didn’t have a big-time budget. Which is exactly what we provide, enabled by our 100% virtual model with access to 40+ creative super friends. Specifically, she wanted to rebuild her brand from the ground up. And quickly.
Like many clients, we recommended a series of cascading idea projects, the results of one inspiring the next
Brand ideas/taglines and manifesto.
Ad campaign platforms, which also included some additional executional work with Ideasicle Expert and The Fantastical Founder, Michael Ancevic.
Campaign blow out ideas (go-to-market ideas, inspired by campaign platform).
Boom, boom, and then boom, the work is now freshly approved and in production. Here’s what Steph had to say about her Ideasicle experience.
Stephanie Greene, CMO, AirSculpt
Whether it's a challenging brand strategy assignment, inspiration for creative campaign ideas or a killer manifesto to rally an internal team, Ideasicle has you covered.
We are a growing brand that operates in a cluttered category that demands a new and disruptive approach to differentiating our brand to our target consumer. With a single thorough briefing, Ideasicle was able to quickly pull together a team of not only 'all star' caliber creative talent, but more importantly talent with relevant experience.
Our project started with an ask for a 'brand idea' and quickly blossomed into multiple campaign ideas and ultimately a fleshed out campaign idea across channels. The speed at which the ideation happens and, more importantly, the QUALITY of the ideas is unlike anything I've seen in an agency partner.
Cascading idea projects in this way, where the result of one round informs and inspires the next, builds a sort of “creative momentum” as we move through the process. An excitement. An energy. A sense of purposeful movement together as a team. Which only fuels my, and the team’s, creativity.
Now, what Steph doesn’t tell you is that she and her colleague, Ethan Lindley (Social Media & Content Director), were amazing clients. Their briefing up front was super clear and motivating. They were decisive and totally honest with their opinions within each round of work. And above all, just very smart people.
We look forward to the new campaign launching soon and…to our next idea project!
Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of the revolutionary virtual-idea-generating company, Ideasicle X. He’s an advertising veteran from such agencies as Wieden & Kennedy, Goodby Silverstein, Arnold Worldwide, and Mullen. He was a Forbes Contributor for nine years writing about creativity in modern branding. Sign up for the Ideasicle Newsletter and never miss a post like this.