Texas College Students Bring Fresh Perspective To Recent Ideasicle X Project

Three college students sit in the quad of a college campus.

We recently took on an idea project that challenged us in ways we hadn't anticipated. It started with a bold client, research company Current Forward, who proposed a unique approach: form three teams composed of both our seasoned Ideasicle Experts and college students from Texas—students who represented the very market we were targeting. Sounded smart, at least on paper. But could students with very little life experience bring something valuable to the table?

Um, yeah.

The project was a resounding success. We had three dynamic teams of four working simultaneously, each team blending the experience of our Ideasicle Experts with the fresh perspectives of the Texas students the client brought on board. Over 110 original ideas were generated in two weeks.

Curious about their experience, I reached out to a few of the students afterward. I'll admit, I was a bit nervous about what they might say. These students are digital natives, experts in everything "app" and virtual. How would they rate our humble Ideasicle X platform?

Here’s what they had to say.

Jason Lovejoy is a student from Texas State University

Click for LinkedIn profile.

After reflecting on the recent ideation sprint, I wanted to express how much I enjoyed working with Ideasicle. From the initial walkthrough you provided, I could immediately tell that this platform would be an excellent tool for our brainstorming sessions. The experience of using Ideasicle was not only engaging but also highly effective for collaborating with team members in a digital environment.

As we worked through the process, I couldn't help but think about the potential application of Ideasicle on college campuses. It brought to mind my experience in an Advertising Campaigns course last semester, where this tool would have greatly facilitated the coordination and development of ideas.

Personal note: I like the way you think, Jason. College campuses are an excellent application. Let’s talk.

Kat Zhang is a student from Texas State University.

Click for LinkedIn profile.

It’s an excellent tool for digitally recreating the creative brainstorming process, making it easy to visually and conceptually track the flow of ideas.

 I particularly loved the ability to “popcorn” or build off an idea. There’s so much potential to see how concepts evolve and grow through multiple iterations. 

The platform’s flexibility, especially in allowing collaboration across different geographic locations and time zones, is invaluable. As a creative, I appreciate the structured flexibility it offers—being able to jot down ideas when inspiration strikes and then refine or expand on them, either on my own or with my team, is incredibly useful. 

It’s a simple, well-organized mechanism, which is often hard to find when you’re trying to capture the natural flow of a brainstorming session.

Thank you for letting us be your guinea pigs! You have something super special here. : )

Personal note: you had me at popcorn.

William Whitworth is a student at Texas State University

William Whitworth. Click image  for LinkedIn profile.

Ideasicle X is a great and straightforward platform. I love that the brief's assets were easily accessible, allowing us to see the team, timeline, and new builds all in one place. The way each idea has its own space, showcasing who initiated it and who contributed, really enhances collaboration. The UI is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to focus on creativity rather than navigating the tools.

Personal note: William also had some really great ideas to improve the platform, some of which we are seriously considering.

All of the students were amazing on this project. They jumped in, wasted no time, and got their ideas posted while also posting builds and riffs on each others’ ideas. They were fearless.

The timing for this to happen was also pretty perfect. We are building a new idea generating product—IX Embedded—that not only will allow users to run their own idea projects, but will also facilitate the uploading and recruitment of their own curated super teams. These teams could include employees, freelancers, and anyone else who they think might be great.

And, yes, that includes college students!

Founder and CEO of Ideasicle X Will Burns standing in front of a giant Ideasicle X logo.

Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of the revolutionary virtual-idea-generating company, Ideasicle X. He’s an advertising veteran from such agencies as Wieden & Kennedy, Goodby Silverstein, Arnold Worldwide, and Mullen. He was a Forbes Contributor for nine years writing about creativity in modern branding. Sign up for the Ideasicle Newsletter and never miss a post like this.