Posts tagged in-house agencies
Think Outside the Building: Why Outside Freelancers Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Your internal agency team knows your brand, your products, your challenges, and your goals like no one else. But for certain idea projects, where fresh thinking is essential, hiring outside freelance talent is less an expense than a shortcut to a big, valuable idea. Outside freelancers bring unique superpowers. Here are 7 of them.

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'The Virtues Of Virtual Idea Generation' - Will Burns Live At The In-house Agency Forum

I spoke recently at the In-house Agency Forum about the many ways virtual idea generation is better than in-person. Things like this thing called online disinhibition, it’s asynchronous, it allows creativity to happen in the wild, etc. Worth considering as agencies contemplate moving creative people back to the offices or go hybrid. We don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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In-house Agencies Can Get Outside Perspective And Creative Ideas Without The Threat

In-house agencies live their brand every day, they’re immersed in its culture, they get it first hand. However, the in-house agency is at a disadvantage to external agencies in one respect: the thinking can get insular. While external agencies are working on different brands all the time, in-house agencies work on one brand. All. Day. Long. In-housers know they need to bring in outside perspective from time to time, but many don’t want the risks involved in bringing in outside help. Is there an answer? Short answer, yes. Longer answer below.

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