The Perils Of Brands Taking Sides In Highly Charged Social Issues


Will burns on Fox news digital

Will Burns on Fox News Digital

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I was interviewed recently by Fox News Digital about the effects of brands going “woke” in their advertising. The source being Fox News I figured the resulting segment, of which I was but one of several contributors, would lean against “woke” and turns out I was right. But in this case, when it comes to marketing, I didn’t entirely disagree. Since my Forbes Contributor days I’ve written about the perils of brands taking sides in highly charged political issues. Because once a company takes a side—either side, mind you— the company alienates its brand to the same degree the issue is polarized.

Now I can hear many of my advertising friends say, “But, Will, why shouldn't brands try to make the world a better place?” To which I’d say, we can’t even agree to what a “better place” even is today. Your “better place” is someone else’s “it’s all going to hell.” And that’s the problem with brands taking sides. Only one side—only one market—will support the brand. Make the world a better place with better products, better services, better advertising, and better philanthropic activities.

To be clear, before you watch the Fox News segment, I am in no way saying I am for or against any of the issues Fox News calls “woke” in the segment. My points have nothing to do with the issues themselves and everything to do with brands irresponsibly taking sides on these controversial issues, no matter what the issues are.

Now, with that please enjoy the Fox News segment above.

Will Burns, Founder & CEO Ideasicle X

Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of the revolutionary virtual-idea-generating company, Ideasicle X. He’s an advertising veteran from such agencies as Wieden & Kennedy, Goodby Silverstein, Arnold Worldwide, and Mullen. He was a Forbes Contributor for nine years writing about creativity in modern branding. Sign up for the Ideasicle Newsletter and never miss a post like this.